Wednesday, March 9, 2011


'Some kids look at me strange in the hallways because I don't decorate my locker, and I'm the one who beat up Sean and couldn't stop crying after he did it. I guess I'm pretty emotional.'
Stephen Chbosky
Page 8.

I know its only page 8 but by this time I can understand who Charlie is. One of his main traits is being very emotional. In this part of the book he explains why he is this way, when he was first starting high school a boy named Sean, threatened to beat him up and Charlie told him that he seemed like he wasn't that happy either. Sean then tries to beat up Charlie, but Charlie's brother has taught him how to fight when he was little. So Charlie hurts Sean very badly but can't seem to stop crying afterwards.
I expect that Charlie will learn to be less emotional and he will be able to control his emotions better. Charlie is a strong person inside, he's kind and gentil, and I think he deserves better than the life he is living. I don't think anyone can read this book and understand completely unless you've been in the situations he has been in.

I chose this song/video to represent Charlie because, Charlie is collective, and sometimes he has his down times like everyone, but there is always a better week for him. He doesn't know how to dance either, but this might be something you don't have to dance to.


  1. You said that you predict that he will learn to be less emotional, but hopfully he won't lose his compasion completly.

  2. I liked your post but was confused by the lack of information. What book was this that you were writing about?
